Meme Rekonstrüksiyonu (Meme Onarımı)

Breast Reconstruction (Breast Repair)

It is the process of reconstructing breast tissue removed for cancer or other reasons. It is possible to make reconstructions that are very similar to other breasts with the developing techniques.

Studies and our own experiences show that breast reconstruction surgeries provide psychological support to women.

Thanks to the new technologies in medicine, the breast created in reconstruction surgeries can be very similar to the natural breast.

Who are suitable candidates for breast reconstruction (repair)?

Almost all mastectomy patients can be suitable candidates for breast reconstruction. In these patients, breast reconstruction (repair) can be performed at the same time as mastectomy (breast removal). However, some patients may be advised by their surgeons to wait for reconstruction surgery (for example, if the breast is to be repaired with the patient’s own tissue (flap transfer), obesity, high blood pressure and smoking).

What are the risks that can be observed in breast reconstruction?

It can be observed after all surgical operations; The risks of bleeding, edema/fluid collection or anesthesia problems can also be observed after breast reconstruction surgeries.

In smokers, wound healing may be delayed or scarring may appear more. If a prosthesis is to be used, there may be a rare risk of developing an infection. In such cases, it may sometimes be necessary to remove the prosthesis and put it back in months later.

Capsular contracture is the most common problem in prosthesis use. In capsule cantracture; The scar tissue around the prosthesis compresses the prosthesis, which creates the feeling of breast hardness. Capsule contracture can be treated.

Breast reconstruction (repair) has no effect on cancer recurrence (recurrence). In addition, it does not create a situation that prevents radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

What are the types of prosthesis used in breast reconstruction?

The outer part of all breast prostheses is made of silicone. Inside, there is silicone gel or saline (salt water mixture).

These two types of prostheses can also be used safely.

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